sammy’s favorite

My 4th grade reading class this year has been reading exiting books about a German family moving to Texas.While faced with many trials.My favorite part of the book was when Mina was captured by a Camanche while Mina was racing to a hill.When Mina was captured she first tried to ecscape  by wiggling her leg to losen the indians grip an Mina’s foot.Then she thought of a brave thought to spit in the Camanches eye.Thinking she would fall insted she was dangling from the back of the horse’s legs.Getting scraped by bushes and getting wet in water.Then her hands scraping a piece of bark falling off the horse.Mina quickly scrambled hiding behind a bush screaming.Her horse again and again.Finally you could her his feet stomp the ground Tucan she exlaimed  as she hopped on the back of the horse’s back being led to safety.



Water coservation

I think that people should use water without waisting  it.Water is vauble to all living things like trees,plants, and people.You should also use water right at your house.

The first step to save water is to use reusble water bottles so not as much water is used in factories.If you use reusble water bottles you can save lots a water a day.

Next,If the whole intire nation flushed the toilet one less time a day we could save gallons and  gallons of water.Don’t just flush the toilet for a dead spider, fly,fish throw it in the outside trash can if a stinky fish.

Finnaly,If there is a water sprinkler outside and you want to go play in the water then go use that water insted of a differant water.

Together we could save gallons and gallons of water.Save water so ever body lives god only made the ammount of water we use today treet water right.








The Best Gift

The best gift I gave was…A shiny blue dolphin jumping out of the water.And back in the deep blue sea.The reson why I gave the neckles to my mom is.Because she feeds me,takes care of me helps me with my work or homework.The shiny  dolphin took some of my money to get the present but.I dont care about that.

Row your site

ATyrannosaurus Rex weighs more than 10,000 pounds!And it is bigger than our school and longer than 10 cars! It is a meat eating Dinosaur if one of its teeth fell out out a nother tooth would grow out 10 times faster as a human tooth.  Also the Tyrannosaurus Rex also ate plant eating Dinosaurus. It lived around 75 million yers ago from today. Imformation was found at

Thanksgiving things

Thanksgiving looks like a garden.

Thanksgiving smells like turkey, carrots,mashed potatoes, rolls.

Thanksgiving taste like salad, chicken soup, pork,buffalo, ham,corn, and burgers.

Thanksgiving feels  like love, wet, dry, wooden, rubber, and squishy.

Thanksgiving sounds like voices whisperings, and plops.