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Sammy’s Book Review on Swallowing Stones by Joyce Mcdonald
Swallowing Stones is a book that will have you questioning after each chapter, leaving you on the edge of your seat, and making you want to read it more and more.It starts off at Michael’s 18th birthday party.He is given a Winchester rifle from his grandfather and decides to show his best friend, Joe, the gift in the woods behind his house.He fires the Winchester into the air to show off his present not realizing he had killed someone.
Born in 1946, Joyce Mcdonald is a known author for teens book interest.She has also earned her master’s and wrote an award-winning book, Swallowing Stones, which is one of her best, filled with adventure and thrills.Mrs.Mcdonald is the best young adult author you can currently find sitting on your bookshelf.
When I was reading through the first 5 chapters I found that I felt that I was in the story with Michael and Joe in the car after they found out that Michael had killed Charlie Ward.The feeling of killing someone can make you feel very energetic and put you in place of the story.This is why I believe that the author did a very good job at capturing the reader’s attention, causing the readers to get consumed by the story.
Michael is the main dynamic character in the book because he is changing his personality from being scared at the beginning, to becoming a man and accepting his fate at the end.Joe, on the other hand, is mostly a flat character getting drunk, throwing fits, and acting tough.
Michael is put in a devastating position after realizing over the radio that he had killed a man, Charlie Ward.His best friend, Joe, has convinced him to not go to the police department and tell them that he had been the one that killed Charlie Ward.This then instantly makes Joe an accessory to the case which means if Michael gets caught, then they both go down together.When Michael keeps the secret for a while, the lies eat him up into a corner where he can’t take it anymore and does what he has to do.
Swallowing Stones is a thrilling book that leaves you wondering what will come on the next page.This is one of the first books that made me feel what Michael was feeling: lost, scared, clueless.I had also really enjoyed how the dialogue went through the book, and the entire atmosphere of the book was overall spectacular.The only let down I would have to say is that the ending left me wondering forever.
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“Come on, come on, come on, transfer the file! Have you ever tried to feed food to your dog directly, and it rejects the food , but moments later the whole bowl is empty.Well this was my situation.The file on my computer is like a dog,for how much you try they both repel the command you give them.The program i’m using to edit the wedding video is distinct,troublesome,and the layout is very complex for a $10 software editor.
Let’s start with the complex,and irritating file.It just wouldn’t work,until I found a way by transferring it by using an HDMI cable to a power box,and then to the pc.Now my actual supreme problem that established this story is my inexperienced knowledge for this software editor.While I was grasping the idea how to work this program I would soon realize that everything Iv’e designed in the video would later be destroyed.Meanwhile i’m over in my broken down wooden chair struggling,and trying to review the video,and make sure everything is in place.Why not grab a quick drink I thought soon to realize that was a big mistake.When I came back in displeasure to quickly realize my dog has stepped,and disconnected the file from my computer.Remember how the file is like a dog,for I gave a command,and it would not always accept it,but then everything was gone.Well this was another example of of the dog,and the file.
I’m happy to tell you that I did find a way to transfer the file again,and was able to make the video similar as the last attempt.Now I know to finish.,and finish strong the first time.