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ATyrannosaurus Rex weighs more than 10,000 pounds!And it is bigger than our school and longer than 10 cars! It is a meat eating Dinosaur if one of its teeth fell out out a nother tooth would grow out 10 times faster as a human tooth.  Also the Tyrannosaurus Rex also ate plant eating Dinosaurus. It lived around 75 million yers ago from today. Imformation was found at

Thanksgiving things

Thanksgiving looks like a garden.

Thanksgiving smells like turkey, carrots,mashed potatoes, rolls.

Thanksgiving taste like salad, chicken soup, pork,buffalo, ham,corn, and burgers.

Thanksgiving feels  like love, wet, dry, wooden, rubber, and squishy.

Thanksgiving sounds like voices whisperings, and plops.




E.O.W and me together

Once there was a little boy named Tom. And in a different world named day he had to leave his planet. Boulders were coming torwards his he flew in his car urond space.Until he landed on earth.monsters couldent comunacate.E.o.w did not know no one so he went to some houses  people sceamed and shut their door.The last he mond he the door opend tom screamd a monster are you real.the monster said wwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaatttttt tom said mom can I go play with a friend mom?Ok be back at 7:30 ok mom so whats your name e.o.w my name is Tom so they play every day.

the end.